spinning Virgo symbol


(August 23 - September 22)

spinning cancer symbol


Virgo is an Earth sign, fitting perfectly between Taurus and Capricorn. This will lead to a strong character, but one that prefers conservative, well-organized things and a lot of practicality in their everyday life. These individuals have an organized life, and even when they let go to chaos, their goals and dreams still have strictly defined borders in their mind. Constantly worried that they missed a detail that will be impossible to fix, they can get stuck in details, becoming overly critical and concerned about matters that nobody else seems to care much about.


Virgo (The Virgin) - Demeter

Demeter was the daughter of Kronos and Rhea, and is usually portrayed as a mature woman, wearing a crown and bearing sheaves of wheat and a torch. Demeter’s name literally translates as “Mother Earth”. She was seen as a mother figure and a caretaker because she was very involved in the growth and harvest of the food from the Earth.Demeter is related to people born under the sign of Virgo who are also resourceful, hardworking, clever, and helpful. On the flip side, they can be preachy, critical, anxious, and extremely observant, but they’ll always be there to help out a friend in need.

moving zodiac symbols

To learn more about Virgo go to VIRGO ZODIAC SIGN!

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