Aquarius-born are shy and quiet , but on the other hand they can be eccentric and energetic. However, in both cases, they are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love helping others. They are able to see without prejudice, on both sides, which makes them people who can easily solve problems. Although they can easily adapt to the energy that surrounds them, Aquarius-born have a deep need to be some time alone and away from everything, in order to restore power. People born under the Aquarius sign, look at the world as a place full of possibilities. Aquarius is an air sign, and as such, uses his mind at every opportunity. If there is no mental stimulation, they are bored and lack a motivation to achieve the best result.
Aquarius has many similarities with Prometheus, the Titan god of forethought and clever counsel who was given the important task of molding mankind out of clay. However, one day Prometheus tricked the gods out of the best portion of the sacrificial meal, taking the meat for the feasting of man.As a punishment for his rebellious act, the king of gods, Zeus, ordered the creation of Pandora, the first woman, in order to deliver misfortune into the house of man. Meanwhile, Prometheus was bound to a stake on Mount Kaukasos where an eagle was set to feed upon his liver for years until Herakles finally came along and released the Titan from his agony.
To learn more about Aquarius go to AQUARIUS ZODIAC SIGN!
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